Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stop with the Shenanigans

This editorial was posted on the blog, Grits For Breakfast about Scary rhetoric plans for Border Control. The targeted audience are those who want Rick Perry to live up to the plans he said he had for border control in 2006. The topic of the editorial is to inform Texas residents about the change we have not seen from our Governor, the poor choices Perry has made, and how we have nothing to show for it. "It's about time", the article states, of Texas- Mexico border leaders speaking up and asking Perry to tone down scary rhetoric tactics and get serious about future plans to protect our borders. The blogger provide evidence of Perry's " pants on fire" statements about border crime dropping, and provides a link for the original article, giving proof and credibility for the editorial. The author is also an avid blogger of Texas government, updating editorials almost daily. It is my opinion that the argument bring made here is logically based, in being supportive of those speaking up for the people in their communities. The majority of the blog states Perry's faults and how much of the grants provided for border control were purely wasted. Cities surrounding the border are still suffering despite the activity provided from the grants. The concluding sentences states: "Given that record, the Governor must hope that voters confuse activity with achievement. To be fair, though: They probably will". Following commentary about Rick Perry's use of scary tactics to get vote. I thought this was well stated and completes the article in a concise manner.

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